Sunday, 10 January 2010

More snow cycling

15 miles or so on the MTB yesterday, mostly on a snow covered NCN route 1 east of Lincoln.  I really love that stretch of old converted railway line and use it whenever I’m out that way.  It was beautifully quiet yesterday and plenty of wildlife to enjoy despite the freezing conditions.  Maybe just more visible when everything is white?  It was all very grin inducing and despite having VERY cold feet (forgot to wear overshoes) and a  numb face I was surprised how warm I got.

The heating on the train back to Worksop was seemingly set on ‘blast furnace’ and so after finishing the DT crossword I dozed off nearly missing my stop.  This instinct of waking just before your intended stop did not befall the amazingly drunk guy who was so comatose that not even a solid punch on the shoulder could rouse him.  He probably woke up bemused and hungover in Donny.

Very tricky conditions on the local snow-packed roads and it was fun trying to control the involuntary slides.  Home safe though.


  1. Hi Rob, Are you a boy scout? Or a confessed BP viewer? If you knew me, you'd laugh at the idea of me following your instructions honestly. Although I consider myself fairly sharp, instrutions are not my fortei.

    Hey, I'm impressed with your love of nature, it seems to follow, that cyclists love nature, that's cool.

    I'm waiting for the ice, before I venture out onm Jezz. Do you have a name for your bike.

  2. Caroline - from your blog I'm guessing that BP = Blue Peter. I'm neither. Why do you ask?

  3. Because of the way you utilise, household waste. Not forgetting sticky back plastic of course.

    Where abouts do you work, in this beautiful city?

    Have you been in touch wi Steve (CTC) he's a top guy.

    C x

  4. Are you ok Rob? You've been quiet thia week.

    Caroline x

  5. Fine thanks Caroline. Just stupidly busy with work meaning lots of very late nights and no time for much else. I work at SHU (Collegiate Campus). Will get in touch with Steve (and Dave again) this week.
